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prof. PhDr. Alexandra Bitušíková, CSc.

Vysokoškolská učiteľka, Vedecký kvalifikačný stupeň IIa

Telefónne číslo:
048 446 7327, 048 446 6219

Konzultačné hodiny

13:00 - 15:00
13:00 - 15:00
Vzhľadom na moje početné pracovné cesty prosím kontaktovať ma kvôli konzultácii vopred emailom.

Kde ma nájdete

prof. PhDr. Alexandra Bitušíková, CSc.
Tajovského 40
974 01 Banská Bystrica

Kancelária: 327
Telefón: 048 446 7327, 048 446 6219

Profesijná charakteristika

Alexandra Bitušíková ukončila etnológiu a získala titul PhD na SAV a Univerzite Komenského v Bratislave. Od roku 1991 pracuje v Ústave vedy a výskumu, neskôr Inštitúte sociálnych a kultúrnych štúdií Filozofickej fakulty Univerzity Mateja Bela (v rokoch 1993 – 2000 ako riaditeľka). V rokoch 2001-2008 pôsobila ako stážistka v Európskej komisii (DG Research) a v Asociácii európskych univerzít (EUA) v Bruseli, kde sa zaoberala reformami doktorandského štúdia v Európe. V súčasnosti je profesorkou na Katedre sociálnych štúdií a etnológie FF UMB. Jej vedeckým záujmom sú urbánne štúdiá, postsocialistická transformácia v strednej Európe, sociálne hnutia, diverzita, identita, kultúrne dedičstvo a gender. Je autorkou mnohých domácich a zahraničných publikácií a riešiteľkou početných domácich a zahraničných vedeckých projektov (najmä 5RP, 6RP, 7RP, Horizont 2020 a Horizont Európa). Od roku 2012 do 2020 bola národnou delegátkou v Programovom výbore pre socioekonomické a humanitné vedy v 7. Rámcovom programe a Horizonte 2020 (SC6) pri Európskej komisii. Od roku 2015 je národnou delegátkou v Standing Working Group on Gender in Research and Innovation pri Rade Európskej únie. Od roku 2014 do 2019 bola prorektorkou pre vedu a výskum na UMB v Banskej Bystrici. V súčasnosti je riaditeľkou Univerzitného centra pre medzinárodné projekty UMB.



Alexandra Bitušíková received her PhD in ethnology/ social anthropology from the Slovak Academy of Sciences and Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia. Since 1991 she has been working at the Research Institute, later Institute of Social and Cultural Studes of Matej Bel University as a researcher (in 1993-2000 as the Director of the Institute). In 2001-2008 she worked in the European Commission, DG Research, and in the European University Association in Brussels where she was responsible for the area of doctoral education reform in Europe. At present she is full professor at the Department of Social Studies and Ethnology  at the Faculty of Arts, UMB. Her research interests include urban studies, post-socialist transformation in Central Europe, social movements, diversity, identity, cultural heritage and gender. She published a number of scientific papers and books and has been participating in many research projects (mainly FP5, FP6,  FP7m, Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe). From 2012 to 2020 she was national delegate in the Programme Committee for SSH (SC6) in FP7 and H2020. Since 2015 she has been national delegate in the Helsinki Group/ Standing Working Group on Gender in Research and Innovation (SWG GRI) at the Council of the EU. She was Vice-Rector for Research at Matej Bel University in 2014-2019. Now she is Director of the University Centre for International Projects at UMB. 


Selected bibliography


Scientific monographs


BITUŠÍKOVÁ, Alexandra. 1998.  Mesto - priestor diferenciácie a integrácie. (City – A Space of Differentiation and Integration) In: DARULOVÁ, Jolana (ed.): Banská Bystrica - pramene a spomienky. Etnourbánne štúdie. Banská Bystrica: Univerzita Mateja Bela, Fakulta humanitných vied, Inštitút sociálnych a kultúrnych štúdií, 7-49.

BITUŠÍKOVÁ, Alexandra. 1999. Kontinuita a zmena v urbánnom kontexte. (Continuity and Change in an Urban Context.) In: DARULOVÁ, Jolana (ed.): Banská Bystrica – premeny mesta a spoločnosti. Banská Bystrica: Univerzita Mateja Bela, Fakulta humanitných vied, Inštitút sociálnych a kultúrnych štúdií, 6-59.

BITUŠÍKOVÁ, Alexandra. 2003. Urbánna antropológia: východiská a perspektívy. (Urban Anthropology: Trends and Perspectives.) Banská Bystrica: Univerzita Mateja Bela, Fakulta humanitných vied.

BITUŠÍKOVÁ, Alexandra. 2005. Women in Civic and Political Life in Slovakia. Banská Bystrica: Univerzita Mateja Bela.

BITUŠÍKOVÁ, Alexandra. 2021. Kultúrne dedičstvo a turizmus v 21. storočí: východiská, trendy a perspektívy. Banská Bystrica: Signis.


Book Chapters


BITUŠÍKOVÁ, Alexandra. 2002. Slovakia: An Anthropological Perspective on  Regional Reform. In: Batt, J. – Wolczuk, K. (eds.). Region, State and Identity in Central and Eastern Europe. London - Portland, Or.: Frank Cass, s. 41-64.

BITUŠÍKOVÁ, Alexandra. 2003. Teaching and Learning Anthropology in a New

National Context: The Slovak Case. In: Drackle, D. – Edgar, I. – Schippers, T. K. (eds.): Educational Histories of European Social Anthropology. London UK: Berghahn Books, s. 69-81. 

BITUŠÍKOVÁ, Alexandra. 2005. Faces of gender (in)equality in Slovakia (Impact of transformation on social situation of women). In: Haldis Haukanes and Frances Pine (eds.): Generations, Kinship and Care. Gendered Provisions of Social Security in Central Eastern Europe. Bergen: University of Bergen, Centre for Women’s and Gender Research, Volume No.17, s. 53 – 68.

BITUŠÍKOVÁ, Alexandra. 2006. Brussels as a Symbol: Controversial Images of the Capital of Europe. In: Peter M. Nas – Annemarie Samules (eds.): Hypercity. The Symbolic Side of Urbanism. London – Bahrain – New York: Kegan Paul, s. 221 – 238.

BITUŠÍKOVÁ, Alexandra – WILSON, Lesley. 2007. Doctoral Programmes in Europe. In: Froment, E. – Kohler, J. – Purser, L. – Wilson, L. (eds.): Bologna Handbook. Berlin – Stuttgart: Dr. Josef Raabe Verlags-GmbH: Raabe academic publishers, C4.4-3, s. 1-20.

BITUŠÍKOVÁ, Alexandra. 2008. New Challenges in Doctoral Education in Europe. In: Boud, David - Lee, Alison (eds.): Changing Practices in Doctoral Education.  UK: Routledge, s. 200-211.

BITUŠÍKOVÁ, Alexandra – KOŠTIALOVÁ, Katarína. 2009. Gender and Governance in Rural Communities of Postsocialist Slovakia. In: Kürti, László -  Skalník, Peter (eds.): Postsocialist Europe. Anthropological Perspectives from Home.  New York – Oxford: Berghahn Books, s. 29 – 50.

BITUŠÍKOVÁ, Alexandra. 2009. Post-Socialist City on the Way to Diversity. The Case of Banska Bystrica. In: Janssens, M. - Pinelli, D. - Reymen, D. – Wallman, S. (eds.). Sustainable Cities. Diversity, Economic Growth and Social Cohesion. Edward Elgar Publishing; 2009, s. 108-121.

BITUŠÍKOVÁ, Alexandra. 2009. Zápas o pamäť mesta v transformácii: príklad Banskej Bystrice (Remembering and forgetting in the city in trasnformation). In: Ferencová, M. – Nosková, J. a kolektív (eds.). Paměť města. Obraz města, veřejné komemorace a historické zlomy v 19.-21. století. Brno: Etnologický ústav AVČR, v.v.i., pracoviště Brno, Statutární město Brno – Archiv města Brna, Ústav etnológie SAV, Bratislava.

BITUŠÍKOVÁ, Alexandra – LUTHER, Daniel. 2010. From Uniformity to Sustainable Diversity: Transformations of a Post-Socialist City. In: Janssens, M. – Bechtold, Myriam – de Ruijter, Arie – Pinelli, Dino – Prarolo, Giovanni – Stenius, Vanja M. K. (eds.): The Sustainability of Cultural Diversity. Nations, Cities and Organizations. Cheltenham, UK – Northhampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, s. 178 – 206.

BITUŠÍKOVÁ, Alexandra. 2011. Theorising, Researching and Practicing

Transnational Migration. In: BERANSKÁ, V. – UHEREK, Z. (eds.): Migration, Diversity and Their Management. Prague Occasional Papers in Ethnology No 8. Prague: Institute of Ethnology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, s. 37 – 62.

BITUŠÍKOVÁ, Alexandra. 2011. Regions and Regionalism in Slovakia: Socio-Anthropological Approach. In: Lütgenau, Stefan August (ed.): Regionalization and Minority Policies in Central Europe: Case Studies from Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania. Innsbruck-Wien-Bozen: Studien Verlag.

BITUŠÍKOVÁ, Alexandra. 2012. Le local dans le global ou la recherche d´un nouveau visage de la ville historique: le cas de Banská Bystrica. In: BÁLINTOVÁ, H. – PÁLKOVÁ, J. (eds.): Productions et perceptions des créations culturelles. Paris: L´Harmattan, s. 159-175.

BITUŠÍKOVÁ, Alexandra. 2015. Shaping the City and Its Inhabitants: Urban Activism in Slovakia. In: Jacobsson, K. (ed.): Urban Grassroots Movements in Central and Eastern Europe. Surrey – Burlington: Ashgate, 219-246.

BITUŠÍKOVÁ, Alexandra. 2015. New Urban Activism in Slovakia: The Case of Banská Bystrica. In: In: Červinková, H. – Buchowski, M. – Uherek, Z. (eds.): Rethinking Ethnography in Central Europe. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 115-130. 

BITUŠÍKOVÁ, Alexandra. 2017. Between Ethnography and Anthropology in Slovakia: Autobiographical Reflections. In: Barrera-González, Andrés – Heintz, Monica – Horolets, Anna: European Anthropologies. New York – Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 211-221.



Scientific Papers in Journals and Proceedings (published in English or German)


BITUŠÍKOVÁ, Alexandra. 1995.  Stabilität und Veränderung der Funktionen des Hauptplatzes im Licht der historischen Entwicklung. In: BEŇUŠKOVÁ, Zuzana – SALNER, Peter (eds.): Stabilität und Wandel in der Großstadt. Bratislava: Ústav etnológie SAV.

BITUŠÍKOVÁ, Alexandra. 1996. A Brief History of the Jewish Community in Banská Bystrica. Slovenský národopis, 44, (1996), No 2,  pp. 202 - 211.

BITUŠÍKOVÁ, Alexandra. 1996. Kulturelle und gesellschaftliche Aktivitäten der Juden in Banská Bystrica. In: POSPÍŠILOVÁ, Jana (ed.): Das Leben und die Kultur der ethnischen Minderheiten und kleiner Sozialgruppen. Brno 1996, pp. 36 - 41.

BITUŠÍKOVÁ, Alexandra. 1998. Transformations of a City Centre in the Light of Ideologies. In:  International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. Oxford UK - Boston USA: Blackwell Publishers, Vol. 22,  No 4, s. 614 - 622.

BITUŠÍKOVÁ, Alexandra. 1999. Socio - Cultural Aspects of Transformation in Slovakia. In:  MURŠIČ, Rajko – BRUMEN, Borut (eds.): Cultural Processes in Transformation and Transition of Central and Eastern European Post-Communist Countries.  Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, pp.  57 – 62.

BITUŠÍKOVÁ, Alexandra. 2000. The Global vs. the Local – European vs. National: Paradoxes of New Identities. In: SKALNÍK, Peter (ed.): Sociocultural Anthropology at the Turn of the Century - Voices from the Periphery. Prague Studies in Sociocultural Anthropology I.  Praha: SET OUT, 2000, pp. 51-60.

BITUSIKOVA, Alexandra. 2000. Contrasting Symbols and Rituals. In: DEKKER, T. - HELSLOOT, J. - WIJERS, C. (eds.): Roots and rituals. The construction of ethnic identities. Amstredam: Het Spinhuis.

BITUŠÍKOVÁ, Alexandra. 2002. Slovakia: An Anthropological Perspective on  Regional Reform. In: Batt, J. – Wolczuk, K. (eds.). Region, State and Identity in Central and Eastern Europe. Regional and Federal Studies, Special Issue, Vol. 12 (Summer 2002), No 2, pp. 41 – 64.

BITUŠÍKOVÁ, Alexandra. 2003. Post-Communist City on its Way from Grey to Colourful: Case Study from Slovakia. In: Nota di Lavoro 16.2003- Special Issue on Economic Growth and Innovation in Multicultural Environments. January 2003. Milan: Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei.

BITUŠÍKOVÁ, Alexandra. 2005. (In)visible women in political life in Slovakia. Sociologický časopis – Czech Sociological Review, 41 (6), s. 1005 – 1021.

BITUŠÍKOVÁ, Alexandra. 2008. Doctoral Education in Europe: Trends and Challenges. Die Neue Hochschule (DNH), Band 49, Heft 6/2008, s. 28 – 30.

BITUŠÍKOVÁ, Alexandra. 2009. Reforming Doctoral Education in Europe. Academe, Vol. 95, No 1, January-February 2009, s. 21-23.

BITUŠÍKOVÁ, Alexandra. 2009. Regions and Regionalism in Social Anthropology: Possibilities and Approaches: The Case of Slovakia. Anthropological Journal of European Cultures, Vol. 18 (2), 2009, s. 28-49.

BITUŠÍKOVÁ, Alexandra – LUTHER, D. 2010. Sustainable diversity and public space in the city of Bratislava, Slovakia. Anthropological Notebooks, Vol. XVI, No. 2, s. 5-18.

BITUŠÍKOVÁ, Alexandra. 2010. Trends in Urban Research and Their Reflection in Slovak Ethnology/ Antropology. Urban People, 12 (2), 2010, s. 273-290.   

BITUŠÍKOVÁ, Alexandra. 2011. Rethinking and Reforming Doctoral Education in Europe: On the Road to Innovation Union. Journal of the European Higher Education Area, No. 2, 2011. Berlin: Raabe Academic Publisher, s. 1 – 10.

BITUŠÍKOVÁ, Alexandra. 2017. Grassroots Activism: Heritage and Memory Practices in Two Slovak Cities. In: Kusek, R. – Purchla, J.: Heritage and the City. Krakow: International Cultural Centre, s. 239-254.

BITUŠÍKOVÁ, A. 2018. Parades of Monuments and Memorials: Transformations of Memory, Place and Identity in a Slovak City. Narodna umjetnost, Vol. 55, No. 2, pp. 147-164.

BITUŠÍKOVÁ, A. 2019. Urbánnoetnologický výskum na Slovensku v 21. storočí: reflexie a výzvy. Národopisná revue, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 30-43. 

BITUŚÍKOVÁ, A. 2019. Vybrané koncepty výskumu súčasného vidieka: inšpirácie a výzvy pre rurálnu antropológiu. Slovenský národopis, roč. 67, č. 3, s. 259-274.

BITUŠÍKOVÁ. A. 2020. Cultural heritage-based festival as a tool to promote local identity and city marketing: The case of the Radvaň Fair in Banská Bystrica, Slovakia. Narodna umjetnost, Vol. 57, No. 2, pp. 131-146.

BITUŠÍKOVÁ, A. 2020. COVID-19 and Funeral-by-Zoom. Urbanities, Vol. 10, Supplement 4, September 2020, pp. 51-55.

BITUŠÍKOVÁ, A. 2021. Culturl heritage as a means of heritage tourism development. Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo - Museology and cultural heritage, roč. 9, č. 1, s. 81-95.



Selected international projects



INCULTUM: Visiting the Margins. INnovative CULtural ToUrisM in European Peripheries. 

H2020, no 101004552


Coordinator: University of Granada, Spain

DocEnhance: Enhancing skills intelligence and integration into existing PhD programmes by providing transferable skills training through an open online platform

H2020, no 872483

2020 - 2023

Coordinator: University of Tromso, Norway

MARDS: Reforming doctoral studies in Montenegro and Albania - good practice paradigm

ERASMUS+ KA2 no 598465-EPP-1-2018-1-ME-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP (2018-2479/001 - 001)

2018 – 2021

Coordinator: University of Montenegro, Montenegro

GENDERACTION: GENDer equality in the ERA Community: To Innovate policy implementatiON

H2020, no 741466

2017 – 2021


PROMISE: Promoting Youth Involvement and Social Engagement:  opportunities and challenges for ‘conflicted’ young people across Europe 

H2020, no 693221

2016 – 2019

Coordinator: University of Manchester, UK

GenPORT: An internet portal for sharing knowledge and inspiring collaborative action on gender and science 

FP7, no 321485

2013 - 2017 

Coordinator: Open University of Catalunya, Barcelona

GENDERA: Gender Debate in the European Research Area 

FP7 No 244499

2009 – 2012


ETNOFOLK: Preservation and Enhancement of Folk Culture Heritage in Central Europe 

OP: CENTRAL EUROPE Programme no 3CE296P4

2011 – 2014

Coordinator: Ústav etnológie AVČR Praha, ČR

POCARIM: Mapping the Population, Careers, Mobilities and Impacts of Advanced Research Degree Graduates in the Social Sciences and Humanities 

FP7, no 290770

2012 – 2014

Coordinator: University of  Liverpool, UK

MOBILE IDENTITIES: Migration and integration in transnational communities

Program: European Integration Fund of the EU, no HOME/2012-13/EIFX/CA/CFP


Coordinator: Instituto psicoanalitico per le Ricerche Sociali, Roma, Italy

SUS.DIVSustainable Development in a Diverse World

FP6 Network of Excellence no CIT3-CT-2005-513438

2005 – 2011

Koordinátor: FEEM Italy

EGG: Enlargement, Gender and Governance: The Civic and Political  Participation of Women in the EU Candidate Countries 

FP5, no SERD-2002-00033

2003 – 2006

Coordinator: University of Belfast, UK




Visiting Fellow, Cambridge University, UK (June-August 1994)

Visiting Fellow, Salzburg Seminar, Session 332 "Preserving National Heritage", Salzburg, Austria (December 1995)

Visiting Fellow, University College London, UK  (2009)

Fulbright Visiting Scholar, University of Boston, USA (January-July 2011)



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