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Department’s profile

Study programme characteristics
The Hungarian Language and Culture study programme is focused on translation and interpreting. The study of Hungarian language offers possibilities for future research workers in the field of scientific research in philology with an emphasis on contrastive linguistic and comparative literary phenomena and difficulties. Hungarian Language and Culture comprises basic disciplines of linguistics, literary science, translation and interpreting theory and practice (Hungarian phonetics and phonology, morphology, lexicology, stylistics and syntax; theory of literature, literary science basics, history of Hungarian literature, selected chapters of world literature, literary comparatistics and literary criticism). Increased attention is paid to language command in practice in the field of technical translation of various texts, to consecutive and simultaneous interpreting.
The study of Hungarian Language and Culture programme offers vast possibilities in the social, foreign-trade, tourist and cultural domains. The whole process of activities with students is an integrated and constantly developing system of acquiring market data, habits and skills according to the latest results of the scientific domain.
Department of Hungarian Studies provides for education, professional and methodical development of future translators, interpreters and scientific workers in the field of philology.
Hungarian Language and Culture study programme is realized in:

  1. bachelor’s degree studies (BSc.)
  2. master’s degree studies (MSc.)

The study of Hungarian Language and Culture programme in daytime form is currently possible with English, German, French, Russian, Ukrainian and Slovak language combinations. Talented students can participate in scientific contests and conferences or after completing their studies can apply for the doctoral degree programme.
Department of Hungarian Studies have recently acquired accreditation in the

     3. level of academic education – doctoral degree studies (PhD.) in the programme

Non-slavic Languages and Literatures (2.1.29)
Hungarian Language and Literature.
Doctoral degree programme is realized in internal and external study form. It features an individual programme which relates to the theoretical, analytical and applicative knowledge from the Hungarian Language and Culture master’s degree study programme. It stands for an individual training of scientific professionals within the scope of the mentioned programme, which is provided by the Department of Hungarian Studies of The Faculty of Arts of Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica.
The scientific research activities of the members of the department are mainly focused on solving difficulties from comparatistics, theory and history of Hungarian literature and interpretation of literary works. In the linguistic field they study Hungarian-Slovakian bilingual phenomena, difficulties of contrastive linguistics and Hungarian language dialectology.

Transl.: Tomáš Breštianský

History of the department

The Department of Hungarian Studies (at the beginning Department of Finno-Ugrian languages) was established in September 1998 with the focus on student’s preparation for specialization in translation and interpreting in Hungarian language and culture, as the eighth department of Philological Faculty of Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica. For its relatively short existence the department reached remarkable results in educational activities, as well as in the field of science and research. The department gained accreditation for the first (BSc.), second (MSc.) and third (PhD.) degree study programme in academic education and has made good contacts and co-operation with universities and research institutes in the Slovak Republic and abroad.
During the eight-year existence the Department of Hungarian Studies has qualitatively and quantitatively spread wide which helped to raise the qualifying standard of its pedagogical employees. The library of the department has also been developed gradually.
The Department of Hungarian Studies yearly organizes scientific conferences with international participation and special seminars from which almanacs are published. Within its existence the members of the department have published several kinds of books (monographs, educational texts, anthologies, almanacs ...).
The members of the department are also members of prestigious scientific commissions, associations, editorial offices of newspapers and specialized forums.

Transl.: Boglárka Sirgely

Science and Research activities

The Hungarian Language and Culture study programme commenced in the academic year 1998/1999. As a reference to the study programme, a science and research collective was established at the department of Hungarian Studies. In 2000, the department formed an institutional task named „Humanization and methodical progress of preparing philologists in Hungarian linguistics and literature". Every member of the department was working on this task. Since 2002, members of the department are working on the VUGA project „Motives and interpretations of Central European literary context". Since the beginning of 2004 they take part in the KEGA project „Specific values in the literary context after 1945 in Slovakia". Outcomes of the science and research activities are regularly published on various science conventions and in professional journals.

Since its establishment, the department of Hungarian Studies organized these science conventions with international participation:

  • Intercultural interpretations - 1999
  • Reception of values in literature and linguistics - 2000
  • Literary and linguistic interpretations I. - 2002
  • Literary and linguistic interpretations II. - 2003
  • Literary and linguistic interpretations in the progress of integration - 2005
  • Context - philology - culture - 2006
  • Context - philology -culture II - 2007
  • Linguistic aspects of intercultural communication - 2008
  • Literary Aspects of Intercultural Communication in Central-European Context - 2009
  • Intercultural Communication in the works of Kálmán Mikszáth - 2010
  • Multiculturalism. Theory and practice - 2011

Journals of the aforementioned conventions were published by the department in the form of science volumes. During its existence the Department of Hungarian Studies organized numerous scientific and professional seminars with international participation, on which there were presented topics on actual matters of comparative literary and linguistic researches, matters of foreign words in technical language and matters of confronting the language on the basis of communicational aspects. The youngest members of the department are attending postgraduate study in Hungary

Science and research focus of the members of the department:

Prof. PhDr. František ALABÁN, CSc.
Hungarian literature, Hungarian culture in the Central European context.
National literatures and cultures.
Theoretical and practical matters on interpretation of artistic text.

Prof. PhDr. Árpád ZIMÁNYI, CSc.
Linguistic culture in the mass media.
Perspective programmes of linguistic culture in the era of informatics.
Orthoepy and orthography of Hungarian language.

PhDr. Zorán ARDAMICA, Ph.D.
Modern Hungarian literature.
Translation, artistic translation, consecutive and simultaneous interpreting.

PhDr. Andrea CSÍKÁNY, PhD.
Hungarian-Slovak bilingualism.
Code-transformation in the practice of interpreting.

Transl.: Peter Fodor