Ritual Tradition and Dynamics in India – Initiation Ritual Diksha
Project information
Annotation of achieved result: The book Indian Journeys to the Spiritual World reflects the fact that, previously, in Slovakia, no comprehensive study was available to the wider public, which dealt with Indian culture and religions from the viewpoint of the social sciences. Therefore, a group of four authors in this publication focused on the following aspects of the modern Indian religiosity. Dusan Deak, in the first chapter tries to introduce the reader to the basic terms related to Indian culture and religions. Ivan Soucek, in the second chapter offers, through a series of tellings, opportunity to enter the fabulous life of modern Indian ascetics and renouncers. Matej Karasek, in the next chapter, describes his journey into the Christian monasteries in India and observes the remarkable penetration of Hindu religious and philosophical content into the Christian practice of asceticism. In the final chapter, Tomas Avramov focused on phenomena of non-formal initiation and its various forms in India.
Sponsor: |
Scientific Grant Agency of the Slovak Republic |
Project number: | 1/0064/14 |
Duration: | 2014 - 2016 |
Project manager: | [email protected] |
Project coordinator: | Mgr., PhD. Souček Ivan (Faculty of Arts, Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica) |
Foreign project: | no |
Classification: AAB Most significant project publication Title: FAI Indické cesty do duchovného sveta. ed. Matej Karáskek, Ivan Souček; rec. Róbert Gáfrik, Jaroslav Strnad. Bratislava : CAD PRESS, 2016. ABB Ivan Souček: SVÄTÍ MUŽI INDIE – MEDZI IDEÁLOM A SKUTOČNOSŤOU. In Indické cesty do duchovného sveta.Bratislava. CAD PRESS ABB Matej Karásek: HINDUISTICKÉ CESTY KU KRISTOVI. In Indické cesty do duchovného sveta.Bratislava. CAD PRESS Authors: Tomáš Avramov, Dušan Deák, Matej Karásek, Ivan Souček |
Classification: AED Title: "New Age Ájurvéda" a globalizácia indickej medicíny / Souček Ivan, 2015. In: Podoby globalizácie v Oriente ; rec. Anna Rácová, Jozef Hudec. - 1. vyd. - Bratislava : Slovenská orientalistická spoločnosť pri Slovenskej akadémii vied, 2015. - ISBN 978-80-970648-9-12. - S. 80-91. Authors: Ivan Souček |
Classification: AED Title: Prístup k tradícii rágánugá bhakti ako prejav konfrontácie globálneho višnuistického hnutia Haré Krišna s lokálnym višnuizmom pútnického mesta Vrindávan / Karásek Matej, 2015. In: Podoby globalizácie v Oriente / editori: Martina Bucková, Gabriel Pirický ; recenzenti: Anna Rácová, Jozef Hudec. - [Bratislava] : Igor Iliť - RádioPrint, 2015. - ISBN 978-80-970648-9-1. - S. 67-79. Authors: Matej Karásek |