Traditional handicrafts such as cultural identity element of the local community
Project information
Annotation of achieved result: Monograph Ethnocultural Contexts of Blueprint (Blueprint Workshop in Hranovnica) Elemír Montško’s blueprint workshop was one of the most distinct workshops of its kind on our territory for more than two centuries. Its inception stretch back to the 18th century and the activity has ended at the end of the 20th century. It reached the biggest importance during the activity of the master Kornel Montško. Moreover, it became one of the cultural identity elements of a local society. The monograph traces the blueprint manufacture in historical relations from international to local level. In conditions of Hranovnica it traces architectonical, manufacturing-technological and social contexts of the manufacture. Consequently, it targets the present preservation and protection possibilities of well-preserved rare manufacture documents. It analyses the possibilities in museological relations, estimates its positive and negative aspects and proposes a museological solution.
Sponsor: |
Scientific Grant Agency of the Slovak Republic |
Project number: | 1/0766/11 |
Duration: | 2011 - 2013 |
Project manager: | [email protected] |
Project coordinator: | PhDr. Krišková Zdena, PhD. (Faculty of Arts, Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica) |
Foreign project: | no |
Classification: AAA Title: Revitalizácia tradičnej kultúry a lokálna identita (Revitalisation of traditional culture and local identity) Authors: KRIŠKOVÁ Zdena, BITUŠÍKOVÁ Alexandra, DARULOVÁ Jolana, KOŠTIALOVÁ Katarína, LUTHER Daniel |
Classification: AAB Title: Etnokultúrne kontexty výroby modrotlače (modrotlačiarska dielňa v Hranovnici) Authors: KRIŠKOVÁ, Zdena |
Classification: ABA Title: Živočíšne prostriedky v ľudovom liečení na hornom Spiši Authors: Krišková Zdena |
Classification: ADE Title: Detský textil ako doklad etnokultúrnych väzieb spoločenstva. Authors: KRIŠKOVÁ, Zdena |
Classification: ADF Title: Ekologicko-kultúrne aspekty tradičnej výroby a identita Authors: KRIŠKOVÁ, Zdena |
Classification: ADF Title: Etnologické rozpravy Authors: Ed. KRIŠKOVÁ, Zdena |
Classification: ADF Title: Úloha výskumu v procese uchovania a vedeckého zhodnocovania kultúrneho dedičstva v múzeu Authors: Krišková, Zdena |