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Areal intersections of memoirs with the topic of Holocaust

Annotation of achieved result: The missing or voluntary semantic motivation thus can lead to the wrong interpretation and to the vagueness of a given term. In our works, we prefer the term memoir...

Project information

Sponsor:Scientific Grant Agency of the Slovak Republic
Project number:1/0031/14
Project duration:1. January 2014 - 1. January 2016
Project manager:[email protected]
Project coordinator:doc. PhDr. Šuša Ivan, Ph.D. (Faculty of Arts, Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica)
International project:no
Classification: AAA Most significant project publication
Title: Areal Intersections in Slovak and Italian Memoir Literature
Authors: Ivan Šuša
Classification: ABC
Title: Magazine La DIfesa della razza (The Defence of Race) as an anti-Semitic Propaganda Tool of Italian Fascism. In: Areal Inersections in Slovak and Italian Memoir Literature. Hradec Králové: Univerzita Hradec Králové/Gaudeamus, 2016, s. 76-96.
Authors: Patrizia Prando
Classification: ADE
Title: K špecifikám memoárov z prostredia koncentračných táborov. In: Slavica Litteraria, r. 18, č. 2, 2015, s. 129-140. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, Filozofická fakulta, ISSN 1212-1509.
Authors: Ivan Šuša
Classification: ADE
Title: Medziliterárny kontext fenoménu šoa (v slovenskej a talianskej memoárovej literatúre). In: Conversatoria Litteraria, r.7, č. 1, Poľsko: Siedlce, 2014, s. 119-136. ISSN 1897-1423
Authors: Ivan Šuša
Classification: ADE
Title: Život za ostnatými drôtmi (K slovenskej memoárovej literatúre z obdobia holokaustu). In: Nový život, r. 67, č. 1-2/2015, s. 40-45. Srbsko: Nový Sad, Slovenské vydavateľské centrum, ISSN 0351-3610
Authors: Ivan Šuša