Thematization of loneliness in chosen texts of Slovak literature
Project information
Annotation of achieved result: Results of the research are concentrated in particular publication outputs, but mainly into two separate books, focusing on the problems of loneliness in the literature. The monograph Literary variations of solitude and loneliness of the international research team introduces a phenomena of the solitude in selected texts from different points of view and theoretical results in seventeen chapters. This variability is connected to complexity of the object of the professional interest. It represents a variety of forms of the solitude and possibilities of its literary-theoretical reflection in the research. The monograph Solitude and loneliness (in selected texts Slovak literature) in three chapters brings extensive in-depth analysis and interpretations of selected texts of the most important periods of the Slovak literature.
Sponsor: |
Scientific Grant Agency of the Slovak Republic |
Project number: | 1/0440/11 |
Duration: | 2011 - 2013 |
Project manager: | [email protected] |
Project coordinator: | Mgr. Jakubík Henrich, PhD. (Faculty of Arts, Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica) |
Foreign project: | no |
Classification: ADC Title: Neviditeľné hranice: samota a osamelosť Žida v slovenskej realistickej próze Authors: Henrich Jakubík |
Classification: ADF Title: Interdisciplinárny dialóg o samote Authors: Martina Kubealaková |
Classification: ADF Title: K funkcii predmetov v románe Narcis Authors: Martin Benikovský |
Classification: ADF Title: Medzi dvoma svetmi (Ľudmila Podjavorinská - Baránok Boží) Authors: Zuzana Bariaková |
Classification: ADF Title: Prichýliť svoje srdce (tematizácia samoty v diele Jána Bodenka - Ivkova biela mať, 1938) Authors: Zuzana Bariaková |
Classification: AEC Title: Výzvy Kukučínovej krátkej prózy Authors: Henrich Jakubík |
Classification: AED Title: Aspekt samoty a osamelosti v Gavlovičovom živote a tvorbe Authors: Martina Kubealaková |
Classification: AED Title: Ľúbostná próza v populárnej literatúre 19. storočia Authors: Martina Kubealaková |
Classification: AED Title: Novela Pieseň o studničnej vode od Stanislava Rakúsa v kontexte slovenskej baladicky tvarovanej modernej prózy Authors: Tatiana Vinarčíková |
Classification: AED Title: Podoby samoty a osamelosti v slovenskej realistickej próze Authors: Henrich Jakubík |
Classification: AED Title: Vilikovský na ceste Authors: Zuzana Ištvánfyová |