The Position of Tourism and Sport Activities in the Natural Enviroment in the Way of Life of Population between the Age of 19 - 25
Project information
Annotation of achieved result: Quantitative and qualitative analysis of motives, beliefs, interests and attitudes of the university population aged 19-25 towards the position of tourism, sports and physical activities in the natural environment in the lifestyle of this population has brought some interesting information. We have subsequently tried to objectify them and thus effectively predict the trends of their application in practice. We have proceeded with a review of the acquired knowledge of implementation of tourist and sport activities in the natural environment. We have tried to establish and define new views of their attractiveness, accessibility and usability. The knowledge of these attributes can become a precondition for their efficient use. Doing so, we must pay attention to a broader context in understanding of these facts. We should have in mind that the priority is first of all a comprehensive and harmonious development of a personality, which means to harmonize selected activities in the direction of their full applicatio
Sponsor: | Scientific Grant Agency of the Slovak Republic |
Project number: | 1/2053/12 |
Duration: | 2012 - 2014 |
Project manager: | [email protected] |
Project coordinator: | prof. PaedDr. Görner Karol, PhD. (Faculty of Arts, Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica) |
Foreign project: | no |
Classification: AAB Most significant project publication Title: Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici ISBN 978-80-557-0550-7 Authors: Ján Krafčík - Karol Görner |
Classification: AAB Most significant project publication Title: Vydavateľstvo Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici - Belianum Filozofická fakulta 2014 ISBN 978-80-557-0805-8 Authors: Karol Görner |
Classification: ADF Most significant project publication Title: Acta Universitatis Matthiae Belii Physical Education and Sport ISSN 1338 - 0974 Authors: Peter Mandzák - Dalibor Beregszászi |
Classification: AEC Most significant project publication Title: PERSON - EDUCATION - PHYSICAL CULTURE - HEALTH Authors: Karol Görner - Adam Jurczak - Janusz Zieliński - Ewelina Wilk |
Classification: AED Most significant project publication Title: POHYB A ZDRAVIE XI. ISBN 978-80-8075-643-7 Authors: Peter Mandzák |
Classification: ADF Title: Acta Universitaties Matthiae Belii Physical Education and Sport ISSN 1338 - 0974 Authors: Mária Gregáňová |
Classification: AED Title: Technika a metodika zimných a letných športov v prírode. FTVŠ UK Bratislava ISBN 978-80223-3757-1 Authors: Kompán, J. - Koreňová, E. |