Critical thinking and critical reading across disciplines (literature, intercultural studies, linguistics)
This web-page is an output of KEGA 008UMB-4/2022 Univerzitné vzdelávanie ako brána k mysleniu: integrácia čitateľských, akademických a kritických zručností ako podmienka intelektuálneho kapitálu univerzít a internacionalizácie vzdelávania (2022-2024) /University Education as a gateway to thinking: integration of reading, academic and critical skills as a precondition to intellectual capital of universities and internationalisation of education (2022-2024)
Expert at identifying figurative language (tropes and figures)?
Test yourself.
Figurative language can be amusing, but it can also be misleading or intentionally manipulative.
Decoding the humor or writer’s intentions often requires:
- critical thinking (the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualising, applying, analysing and/or synthetising, and / or evaluating information) and
- critical reading (an active process of analyzing, evaluating, and interpreting texts to understand deeper meanings, identify biases, assess arguments, and draw informed conclusions.
It involves questioning the author's intent, context, and assumptions while fostering independent thought and comprehension) skills.
On this page, I have collected memes, Facebook contributions, and other materials that contain tropes. Warning: Some include adult content or strong language.
Identify the tropes and explain the humor or hidden agenda. (There is also one example of Freytag´s pyramid). Correct answers will be discussed in class. Some of the following photos might be used in your final test. (page under construction: more content is coming soon, try : ).
Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici za účelom šírenia pozitívneho povedomia a propagácie organizovaných verejných akcií, vyhotovuje obrazové záznamy, ktoré zverejňuje na svojej webovej stránke. V prípade vyjadrenia nesúhlasu zúčastnených odfotografovaných osôb s týmto zverejňovaním bude nesúhlas tejto osoby akceptovaný a obrazový záznam z webového priestoru odstránený. Nesúhlas môžete nahlásiť na e-mail: [email protected]