Filozofická fakulta Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici






Colonial Period (1606 - 1774)


Amerindians. First European explorers. Virginia and New England. The French and Indian War (1756 -1763)


Towards Independence (1775 -1783)


The Origins of Revolution. The American War of Independence. Declaration of Independence.


The Formation of a National Government (1777 -1791)


The Articles of Confederation. The Constitutional Convention. The Constitution and the Bill of Rights.


Westward Expansion: Manifest Destiny


The Louisiana Purchase. The War of 1812. The Monroe Doctrine. The Missouri Compromise. Indian Removal.


The Civil War and Reconstruction (1861 - 1877)


The North and the South. Slavery. Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War. Reconstruction.


Years of Growth and the American Empire


The American West. Industry and technology. The Robber Barons. Immigration. The Spanish-American War.

7 Mid-semester test on topics 1 - 6


Discontent and Reform


American farmers and Populism. The Labour movement. Reformers and progressives. T. Roosevelt & W. Wilson.


War and Prosperity (1917 - 1929)


World War I. Wilson's Fourteen Points. The Roaring twenties. Prohibition. The Suffragists.


Depression and the New Deal (1929 -1938)


Crash and depression. F. D. Roosevelt and the policy of New Deal. Isolationism and the outside world.


From Isolationism to Hiroshima: World War II.


End of neutrality. War in the Pacific & Europe. Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The post-war settlement.


Cold War and Conflict Abroad: America in the Fifties


Truman Doctrine.  McCarthyism and  "Red  Scare".  Korean War. The Civil  Rights movement and desegregation.


America in the Sixties and Early Seventies


J.F.K. The Vietnam War. Martin Luther King. R. Nixon and the Watergate Affair.