Filozofická fakulta Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici

Launch of the Alliance for Research on Cultural Heritage in Europe (ARCHE)

On September 1st, 2022, the ARCHE project (Alliance for Research on Cultural Heritage in Europe) officially started. Funded by the European Commission and gathering 24 partners from 18 European countries for three years, it will develop a pan European framework for a holistic approach to Cultural Heritage Research and Innovation, by creating a spearheading coordination network of researchers, innovators, heritage professionals, institutional bodies and citizens.

With the Fondation des Sciences du Patrimoine as project coordinator and a budget of three millions euros, this Coordination and Support Action (CSA) will engage all Cultural Heritage actors in member States / Associated Countries in the co-design of Research and Innovation strategies and roadmaps that lead to Research and Innovation initiatives requiring multidisciplinary approaches and skills.

The ARCHE kick-off meeting will be held in Paris on September 29th in Paris, in presence of the French Ministry of Culture, the European Commission and the project’s partners.

ARCHE Challenges

ARCHE specific objectives