Filozofická fakulta Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici

WP4 - Building the Alliance

The aim of WP4 is to build the ARCHE Alliance, based on the SRIA and governance structure developed in WPs 2 and 3, respectively. The specific objectives are to (a) develop a sustainability analysis and quality criteria for the implementation of the SRIA; (b) reach a critical mass of committed partners from the majority of MSs/ACs; (d) develop a detailed plan guiding the operations of the Alliance in the post-CSA period.


Task 4.1: Sustainability analysis and development plan
A sustainability analysis will define the form to be given to the Alliance, the options being (a) an extension of the current form of JPI CH; (b) a European partnership; or (c) a combination of both. The quality criteria used will characterise inputs, coordination efficiency and outcomes / broader effects for each option. Examples of quality criteria have been presented in the discussion of the Sustainability Framework (section 1.2.A.3). Based on this choice, a detailed development plan will be finalised, giving emphasis on critical paths that may create bottlenecks and opportunities that may accelerate the launching of ARCHE.

Task 4.2: Final negotiation with new partners in the ARCHE Alliance
The work involves continuous interaction with potential new members of the Alliance coming from other European countries, or countries included in the International Cooperation Strategy of the EU. In addition to the geographic expansion, the ARCHE building strategy includes negotiations with organisations/stakeholders that represent other sectors, like CCS, that have been identified in the SRIA (WP2) and the sustainability analysis (Task 4.1).

Task 4.3: Launch of the Alliance
The SRIA governance structure will be updated taking into account the configuration of the Alliance as a result of previous promotion actions in WP5, as well as the negotiations conducted in T4.2. Detailed operational plans for all aspects of ARCHE will be implemented, leading to the final ARCHE launch event.