Filozofická fakulta Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici

Guidelines for authors


The Editorial Office accepts the manuscripts in Slovak, Czech and English languages as followed:

Major articles and research reports: 18000 – 45000 characters, including references, footnotes and appendixes. The texts should include abstracts (up to 800 characters) and 5-7 key words;

Essays/Overviews/Discussions: up to 36000 characters, including references and footnotes;

Book reviews and news: up to 9000 characters.

The manuscripts should be submitted electronically in file formats .doc, .docx and .rtf as email attachments to The emails should include contacts on the authors. All the manuscripts are subjected to reviewing.

The texts should be written in Times New Roman, 12, 1.5 spacing. The text should include a title and information about the author and his/her institutional affiliation (maximally 7 lines). The references should provide sufficiently detailed and precise information for locating and retrieval of specific information sources. All references should follow the ISO 690 citation norm ( The reference list of cited works should appear at the end of a paper. The entries should be arranged in alphabetical sequence by name of an author.



List of references

Works of the same author published in the same year:
ELIADE, M. (2004a). Iniciace, rituály, tajné společnosti. Brno: Computer Press.
ELIADE, M. (2004b). Obrazy a symboly. Brno: Computer Press.
 Work of several authors:
MERLEAU-PONTY, M. – LÉVI-STRAUSS, C. – BARTHES, R. (1994). Chvála moudrosti. Bratislava, Archa.


FRAZER, J. G. (2007). Zlatá ratolesť. Plzeň: Aleš Čeněk.

Chapter in monograph / edited volume

BITUŠIKOVÁ, A. (2010). Verejné priestory ako prostriedok marketingu mesta. In: BITUŠKOVÁ, A. – LUTHER, D. (ed.) Kultúrna a sociálna diverzita na Slovensku III. Banská Bystrica: ISKŠ FF UMB, p. 63-78.

Paper in periodical

STEINEROVÁ, J. (2000). Princípy formovania vzdelania v informačnej vede. Pedagogická revue, 2000, vol. 2, No. 3, p. 8-16.

Archival source

BANÍK, A. (2010). Korešpondencia s Pavlom Horváthom. 2 pages. Manuscript. Methodological discussion dated by 1911. Location: Martin: SNK, Archive of Literary and Art. Signature A XC/ 4-1.


MIKULÁŠIKOVÁ, M. (1999). Didaktická pomôcka pre praktickú výučbu na hodinách výtvarnej výchovy pre 2. stupeň základných škôl. [diploma thesis] Nitra: UKF.

Electronic source

ANTAKI, CH. et al. (2003). Discourse Analysis Means Doing Analysis: A Critique Of Six Analytic Shortcomings. Submission to Discourse Analysis Online. [www page], [cit. 13. 3. 2008]. Available at:

Text quotations

In the end of the sentence: (Giddens 2000: 25).
Before quotation: According to Giddens (2000: 25), …
Work of several authors: (MERLEAU-PONTY – LÉVI-STRAUSS – BARTHES 1994).
Quotation of the quoted source: (Hassanein 2003: 79, as quoted in Guptil – Copelton – Lucal 2013: 176).

Illustrations, figures, diagrams, tables, photographs and the like should be mentioned in the text, named Fig. and numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. They should be sent in a separate file.