Gabriel Rožai – Teória modelovania na príklade urbanoným dvoch gemerských miest
Modeling Theory on the Example of Urbanonyms of Two Gemer Towns
In the study, we pay attention to the model analysis of urbanonyms. The aim of the contribution is to describe, compare, and typologize the onymic models of standardized urbanonyms of two Slovak towns located in the Gemer region: Rožňava and Revúca. During the analysis, we focus attention on the nature of the model structure and the number of onymic models and types of onymic models of the investigated group of proper nouns, as well as on the types, frequency representation, and lexical rendering of the functional members characterizing the analyzed models. The analysis clarifies the characteristic features of the naming of the examined subcategory of toponyms, which can be further specified and typologically defined when comparing them with models of other subcategories of the onymic group of toponyms.
Keywords: modeling theory, synchronous model, urbanonym