Katarína Murčeková – Úvod do konceptu mediácie a možnosť jej implementácie do výučby angličtiny pre lekárske účely
Katarína Murčeková
Jesseniova lekárska fakulta v Martine, Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, Ústav cudzích jazykov
Pedagogická fakulta Trnavskej Univerzity v Trnave
Introducing the concept of mediation and its potential in English language classes for Medical Purposes
The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) introduced the notion of mediation as a fourth mode of communication, alongside reception, production, and interaction. The CEFR emphasizes mediation in its action-oriented approach. Mediation is a language activity in which the user/learner acts as an intermediary between different inter-locutors when the language of the original text is not understandable to the recipient. The mediator may convey meanings within the same language or between languages. The objective of this article is to provide a comprehensive review of the current state of knowledge pertaining to the notion of mediation in language teaching and learning, as an emerging concept in language education. The article provides a brief overview of mediation activities and strategies. The second part explores its potential for effective teaching and learning, aiming to determine whether mediation is relevant in the context of English for Medical Purposes. Practicing mediation skills would merit greater attention in the classroom. This involves designing and developing mediation activities and strategies.
Key words: CEFR, mediation, English for Medical Purposes, facilitation of understanding, mediation strategies