Martina Bodnárová – Medzi Oravou a Moskvou. Lingvistické poznámky ku kazateľskému štýlu misionára Róberta Baleka
Martina Bodnárová
Inštitút slovakistiky a mediálnych štúdií, Filozofická fakulta PU, Prešov
Between Orava and Moscow. Linguistic notes on the preaching style of the missionary Róbert Balek
The subject of the study is the linguistic analysis of 15 spoken communications of the Slovak preacher Róbert Balek, who has been working on missions in Russia for a long time. The aim of the analysis is to identify the stylistic constants of the individual style of the observed preacher. Balek's communications are differentiated into narrative and reflective and maintain a stable compositional structure. His constant themes and motifs include exorcism and related phenomena, sexual deviance, and criticism and irony of church morality. Lexical specifics include obscene names in collocations with sacred expressions, diminutives and hybrids of Russian and Slovak lexemes. From the point of view of grammar, the high frequency and accumulation of transitions, atypical and unusual verb and adjective forms, and a complex syntactic structure are characteristic. Several phonetic elements of dialect provenance and suprasegments such as shifted accent, emphasis or intonation nuances fulfill the ironic and characterization function.
Keywords: individual style, spoken communication, preacher, genre, language