Pavol Odaloš – Synchrónne modely a modelovanie urbanoným miest Trenčín, Nové Mesto nad Váhom, Piešťany v povodí rieky Váh
Synchronous Models and Modelling of the Váh River Basin Urbanonymy (Trenčín, Nové Mesto nad Váhom, Piešťany)
The aim of the paper is to illustrate the modelling process and models of urbanonyms, namely those of Trenčín, Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Piešťany cities located in the Váh river basin. The A1 model is used in modelling. This model contains specific onymic signs present in its functional members. The urbanonymic formation has observable tendencies towards honorification and localization. The tendency towards honorification is shown by the glorification of contemporary and historical persons and events. The tendency towards localization retains the older names of the city and city parts and the names of contemporary national or transnational natural sites. Based on the urbanonymic formation norm determined by the presented tendencies, the modelling subsequently yielded mostly two-member models with a predominance of HCH and PÚ functional members. The VL and FA functional members are moderately frequent and the PC and PN functional members are sparse. The most frequent model is A1 = PÚ + Ú, with A1 = HCH + U, A1 = U + HCH, A1 = VL + U and A1 = (U) + PÚ being relatively frequent. Other two-member models are infrequent. One-member models did not occur, and three-member models were sparse. The presented models and modelling process are a contribution to the development of the Czecho-Slovak school of onomastic modelling.
Key words: Models, modelling, urbanonymy, cities in the Váh river basin