Veronika Gondeková – Urbanonymá mesta Zvolen. Ich modely a modelovanie
Veronika Gondeková
Katedra slovenského jazyka a komunikácie, Filozofická fakulta UMB, Banská Bystrica
Urbanonyms of the city of Zvolen. Their models and modelling
The subject of the paper is the modelling and models of the names of urbanonyms of the city of Zvolen according to the modelling scheme of P. Odaloš. The aim of the study is to determine the models and semantic fields of urbanonyms in the research sample. The research sample consists of 132 urbanonyms of the city of Zvolen. In the modelling we use the A1 model, which is formed by functional members, namely the functional member U - urbanonynum (denotes the type of onymic relation), and the functional members HCh - honorific characteristic, FL - flora, VL - feature, PU - belonging to the territory, and FA - fauna. These functional members denote additional semantic features. The models of urbanonyms consist of 5 semantic fields, the most numerous being the semantic field (U) + HCh, which contains up to 82 urbanonyms. The most frequent models are A1 = (U) + HCh (72), A1 = FL + (U) (16), A1 = VL (U) (13). Modeling scheme of P. Odaloš is based on the knowledge of Slovak and Czech onomastics and elaborates the Slovak and Czech tradition of onomastic modelling.
Keywords: onomastics, modelling, urbanonyms, Zvolen