Lucia Tonková – Technická kompetencia vo výučbe prekladateľov: východiská, súčasný stav a možnosti vývoja
Lucia Tonková
Katedra anglistiky a amerikanistiky, Filozofická fakulta, Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave
Technical Competence in Translator Training – Foundations, Present State and Development Possibilities
This article deals with technical competence in translator training. It first focuses on the development of thinking about this competence in Slovakia, mentioning translation studies scholars who asked themselves what knowledge and skills a good translator should possess. It also briefly describes how technical competence is defined by the international competence framework European Master’s in Translation. The next practical part of the article contains a comparative analysis of some of the existing Slovak research focused (not only) on the technical competence of Slovak translators. In the last part of the article, we present our attempt to propose a model of teaching translation with a focus on acquiring technical competence. In doing so, we draw on the aforementioned research on the Slovak translation market, on students’ requirements, the integrated model of teaching professional translation (Kraviarová, 2014; Angelovičová – Bachledová, 2021), Lisá and Newman’s model of competences (2020) and on technical competences as defined by EMT (2022). This article's main aim is to propose a model that reflects the current market needs, students’ demands and rapid technological development.
Keywords: technical competence, translator training, model of teaching translation