Lukáš Bendík – Preklad expresívnej lexiky v audiovizuálnom diele The Last of Us: dabing verzus titulky
Lukáš Bendík
Katedra anglistiky a amerikanistiky, Filozofická fakulta UMB, Banská Bystrica
Expressive Vocabulary Translation in The Last of Us: A Comparison of Dubbing and Subtitles
This study investigates the translation of swear words in The Last of Us TV series into Slovak, comparing subtitled and dubbed versions. By focusing on aspects such as authenticity, expressivity, and character characterization, the research analyses a total of 317 excerpts containing swear words. The analytical framework is grounded in Popovič's typology of shifts of expression, which are indicative of the translator's personality traits and choices. The study unveils that the dubbed version emerges as much more expressive, characterized by a significantly higher frequency of swear words and profanities compared to its subtitled counterpart. Results not only highlight the distinctive differences in translating profanities between the two versions but also emphasize how the decisions of the translator and/or dub director can drastically influence the translation. Such findings underscore the pivotal role of the translator in translation processes. The research, therefore, serves as a significant contribution to the domain of translation studies and paves the way for further research in this area.
Key words: dubbing, subtitles, comparative analysis, expression system, profanities