Martina Kašová a Slavomíra Tomášiková – K prekladu termínov z oblasti sociálnej odkázanosti v nemecky hovoriacich krajinách v porovnaní so slovenčinou a češtinou
Martina Kášová – Slavomíra Tomášiková
Prešovská univerzita v Prešove, Filozofická fakulta, Inštitút germanistiky
On the translation of terms from the field of social deprivation in German-speaking countries in comparison with Slovak and Czech
The aim of our paper was to point out the translatological problems in the translation of terms from the field of social deprivation, while it should be emphasized that we were not dealing with the translation of a professional text in the context of professional communication, but with the translation of terms belonging to this group. The research corpus consisted of selected terms from the field of social deprivation in Germany, which were then compared with the Austrian, Swiss, Slovak and Czech systems. The comparison of the above languages took place on both the formal and the content level with a focus on content identity, which can be analogically compared to a semasiological-onomasiological process. The term had to be first correctly reciprocated, the content identified, and only then the correct naming could be assigned to the content in question.
Key words: translation, interdisciplinarity, translatology, semasiological-onomasiological process