Filozofická fakulta Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici

Course syllabus

Department of English & American Studies, Faculty of Arts, Matej Bel University









1. Prehistoric Britain (500 000 - 43 A.D.)


An Island People. Neolithic Farmers. Megalithic Monuments. The Celts.


2. Roman Britain (AD 43 - 410)


Caesar's invasions. The Roman province. Romanization of Britain.


3. The Anglo-Saxon period (440 - 1066)


The Saxons, Angles and Jutes.  The House of Wessex.  The Normans.


4. The Early Middle Ages (1066 - 1307)


The Norman Conquest. The Rise of a Medieval State. Decline of Feudal Rule. The beginnings of Parliament.


5. The Late Middle Ages (1307 - 1485)


The Hundred Years' War (1337 - 1453). The Peasants' Revolt. The Wars of the Roses (1455 - 1485).


6. The Tudor Age (1485 - 1603)


The English Reformation.  Elizabeth I. The New Foreign Policy and the Building of Britain's Trade Empire.


7. The Stuarts (1603 - 1714)


Parliament Against the Crown.  The English Revolution. The Restoration of Monarchy. The Glorious Revolution.


8. The Eighteen Century (1714 - 1815)


A Century of Conflicts.  The Era of Robert Walpole. The American Revolution.  Napoleonic Wars.


9. The Age of Industrial Revolution


The Origins of Industrial Revolution.  Population Growth and Urbanisation. The Reforms of the 1830s.


10. The Nineteenth Century (1815 - 1914)


Mid-Victorian Prosperity.  The Gladstone-Disraeli Rivalry. The Late Victorian Empire.


11.  Twentieth Century: World War I and Interwar Years (1914 - 1939)


War in Europe 1914 - 1918. Women's Suffrage. Ireland's Independence. The Interwar Years.

12. Twentieth Century: World War II to Welfare State