Filozofická fakulta Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici

Výzvy GR pre vnútorné záležitosti

A more open and secure Europe requires adequate funding that is directed to those policy areas where we are facing collective challenges. Open calls:

1. Network of contacts and discussion between targeted municipalities and local authorities on experiences and best practices in the resettlement and integration of refugees
New deadline: 15. 11. 2013

2. Trafficking in Human Beings
Deadline: 31. 10. 2013

3. Analysis of reception, protection and integration policies for unaccompanied minors in the EU
Deadline: 24. 10. 2013

4. Funding for victims of torture
Deadline: 22. 10. 2013

5. External Borders Fund
Deadline: 11. 10. 2013


Funding map:

Example of projects: