International projects
The team of 171 excellent scientists and researchers and 112 PhD students at the Faculty of Arts of Matej Bel University Banská Bystrica carries out graduate and post-graduate training as well as basic and applied interdisciplinary research in the areas of humanities: language and communication, modern philology, literary science, translation and interpreting studies, social and cultural studies, historical and philosophical sciences, ethics and applied ethics, ethnology, anthropology, sociology, physical education and sports, and others.
The Faculty of Arts of Matej Bel University Banská Bystrica has been involved in various international cooperation projects:
FP5, FP6, FP7, H2020 and other:
- GENDer equality in the ERA Community To Innovate policy implementatiON (GENDERACTION). Horizont 2020, Project No. 741466. Duration: 2017-2021. Coordinator: INSTITUTE OF SOCIOLOGY OF THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC PUBLIC RESEARCH INSTITUTION
- PROMoting youth Involvement and Social Engagement: Opportunities and challenges for 'conflicted' young people across Europe (PROMISE); Horizon 2020, Project No. 693221, Duration: 2016-2019, Coordinator: The University of Manchester, UK
- An internet portal for sharing knowledge and inspiring collaborative action on gender and science (GENPORT); EC - Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, FP7, Project No. 321485, Duration: 2013-2017, Coordinator: FUNDACIO PER A LA UNIVERSITAT OBERTA DE CATALUNYA, Spain
- Preservation and Enhancement of Folk Culture Heritage in Central Europe (ETNOFOLK); CENTRAL EUROPE Programme, Project No. 3CE296P4, Duration: 2011-2014, Coordinator: Institute of Ethnology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
- Mobile Identities – Migration and Integration in Transnational Communities; EC DG Home Affairs - Migration, Asylum, Project No. 30-CE-0586552/00-29, Duration: 2014-2015, Coordinator: PSYCHOANALYTIC INSTITUTE FOR SOCIAL RESEARCH, Rome, Italy
- Mapping the population, careers, mobilities and impacts of advanced degree graduates in the social sciences nad humanities (POCARIM); EC - Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, FP7, Project No. FP7-SSH-2011-3, Duration: 2012-2014, Coordinator: THE UNIVERSITY OF SALFORD, UK
- Gender Debate in the European Research Area (GENDERA), FP7, Project No. 244499, Duration: 2009-2012, Coordinator: BAY ZOLTAN ALKALMAZOTT KUTATASI KOZHASZNU NONPROFIT KFT., Hungary
- Sustainable Development in a Diverse World (SUS.DIV), FP6 Network of Excellence, Project No. CIT3-CT-2005-513438, Duration: 2005-2011, Coordinator: FONDAZIONE ENI ENRICO MATTEI, Italy
- Enlargement, Gender and Governance: The Civic and Political Participation of Women in the EU Candidate Countries (EGG), FP5-Human Potential, Project No. HPSE-CT2002-000115, Duration: 2002-2006, Coordinator: Queen´s University of Belfast, UK
International Visegrad Fund:
As a Coordinator:
- 22. Linguistik- und Literaturtage in Banská Bystrica/Slowakei. No. 21310140. Duration: 2013-2014
- Languages of V4 Countries in Modern Europe (Language as a Tool to Express and Shaping of Identity). No. 21520090. Duration: 2016
- Migration flows from and within the V4 countries and their impact on current identity of the region. No. 61500019. 2016-2018
As a Partner:
- Patrimonium, culture and hospitality. Benedictine monasteries as a place of the meeting. No. 21120246. Duration: 2012. Coordinator: Benedictine Abbey in Tyniec, PL
- Archaeology field school 2012: Discovering past with special hands-on courses at the Deserted castle. No. 21210041. Duration: 2012. Coordinator: Constantine the Philosopher University Nitra Slovakia.
- Archaeology field school 2013: Secrets of medieval castles. No. 21310141. Duration: 2013. Coordinator: Constantine the Philosopher University Nitra Slovakia
- Archaeology field school 2014: from prehistoric hill-fort to medieval castle. No. 21410013. Duration: 2014. Coordinator: Constantine the Philosopher University Nitra Slovakia
- Archaeology field school Zvolen 2016: field work, workshops, lectures. No. 21610149. Duration: 2016. Coordinator: Constantine the Philosopher University Nitra Slovakia
- Via Benedictina – Benedictine heritage in Central Europe. No. 21320068. Duration: 2014. Coordinator: Benedictine Abbey in Tyniec, PL
- Via Benedictina on the way. No. 21420074. Duration: 2015-2016. Coordinator: Development Agency of Broumov area, CZ
- Rethinking Anthropologies in Central Europe for Global Imaginaries. No 21320085. Duration: 2014-2015, Coordinator: Etnologický ústav AV ČR, CZ
- Health, fitness and education in V4 countries. No. 11320057. Duration: 2013-2014. Coordinator: Institute of Physical Culture of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, PL
- State, Role and Prospects of Gymnastics in V4 Countries. No. 21420231. Duration: 2015. Coordinator: Department of Gymnastics and Dance of Gdańsk University of Physical Education and Sport, PL
- The bilingual linguistc tools for emergency services of the Polish-Slovak borderland (part 1). No. 11520017. Duration: 2015-2015. Coordinator: The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Chair of the Polish Language, PL
- In Between? No. 21640033. Duration: 2017-2018. Coordinator: European Network Remembrance and Solidarity, PL
- The communist past as perceived by current students studying at universities in the Visegrad states. No. 21720115. Duration: 2.10. 2017 - 31.10.2018. Coordinator: Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague, CZ
- DECONSTRUCTION. The Role of Media in Post-Totalitarian Societies. No. 21810553. Duration: 20.5.2018-21.12.2018. Coordinator: Center for Research on the Liberation Movement, Ukraine
Central European Exchange Program for University Studies (CEEPUS):
- *e-Bologna* - Network for Translation Studies and Transcultural Communication Programmes in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. CEEPUS No. CIII-AT-0119-13-1819. Duration: 2018-2019. Coordinator: University of Vienna, Zentrum für Translationswissenschaft - Center for Translation Studies Vienna, AT
- Idea of Europe in Europea Culture, History and Politics. CEEPUS No. CIII-CZ-0029-13-1718. Duration: 2017-2018. Coordinator: Univerzita Palackého, Olomouc, CZ
- Philosophy. CEEPUS No. CIII-SK-1206-02-1819 (Umbrella). Duration: 2018-2019. Coordinator: Faculty of Arts, Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, SK. Contact: Assoc. Prof. Ulrich Wollner (ulrich.wollner at
- Confessional and ethnic interactions in the Habsburg Monarchy, No. CIII-HU-0908-03-1819 (Umbrella). Duration: 2015-2019. Coordinator: Pázmány Péter Catholic University in Budapest, HU
- Shared history of Central Europe. No. CIII-SK-1315-01-1819 (Umbrella). Duration: 2017-2018. Coordinator: Matej Bel University in Banska Bystrica, Faculty of Arts, SK
Austria-Slovakia Programme:
- Empowering Doctoral Candidates through Personal Development Planning, Austria-Slovakia Programme (SAIA), No. 2012-10-15-003, Duration: 2013-2014, Coordinator: The University of Vienna, The Center of Doctoral Studies, AT
- Get Organized, Austria-Slovakia Programme (SAIA), No. 2014-05-15-0001, Duration: 2014-2015, Coordinator: The University of Vienna
- Corpuslinguistik: Computermorphologie und Kollokationsforschung, Austria-Slovakia Programme (SAIA), No. 2013-10-15-0003, Duration: 2014-2015, Coordinator: Institut für Corpuslinguistik und Texttechnologie derösterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien
- European cities in the process of constructing and transmitting of the European cultural heritage. International curriculum for undergraduate and master students (CHIC). No. 2018-1-PL01-KA203-050963. Erasmus+ KA2. Duration: 1.9.2018 - 31.8.2021. Coordinator: UNIWERSYTET JAGIELLONSKI, Instytut Europeistyki UJ, PL.
- Reforming doctoral studies in Montenegro and Albania – good practice paradigm (MARDS). Erasmus+ KA2.
- RUINS: Sustainable re-use, preservation and modern management of historical ruins in Central Europe - elaboration of integrated model and guidelines based on the synthesis of the best European experiences. INTERREG Central Europe. No. CE902. Duration: 1.6.2017-31.5.2020. Coordinator: Lublin University of Technology, Poland.
- Democracy on the Brink. Historical lessons from the late 1930s. EC - Europe for Citizens. No. 589247-CITIZ-1-2017-1-CZ-CITIZ-REMEM. Duration: 1.8.2017-31.1.2019. Coordinator: Multikulturní centrum Praha, z.s., Czech Republic
- In Between? Searching for local histories in European borderlands. EC - Europe for Citizens. No. 564220. Duration: 2015-2016. Coordinator: European Network Remembrance and Solidarity
- Equality, Mixity and integration by Sports (EMIS). Erasmus+ Sport 2015. No. 567364-EPP-1-2015-2-FR-SPO-SNCESE. Duration: 2015-2016. Coordinator: The University of Franche-Comté, FR
- Chaire Jean Monnet ad personam Identities and Cultures in Europe; Lifelong Learning Programme Erasmus, Jean Monnet, Project No. 2009-2838/001-001, Duration: 2009-2013. Rouet Gilles, prof., DrSc.
- Translands (Historical and socioeconomic research) Historical and economic dimensions of territorial-specific assets: rivers, abbey and other relevant potential attractors. INTERREG III B CADSES. No. 5D197. Duration: 2006-2008. Coordinator: Facoltà di Economia – Università Cattolica v Piacenze, Italy
- CLIOTH-WORLD: Creating a new historical perspective: EU and the wider world. Lifelong Learning Programme Erasmus. No. 142816-LLP-1-2008-1-IT-ERASMUS-ENW. Duration: 2008-2011. Coordinator: Universitá di Pisa, IT
- ISTEPEC „Intercultural Studies in Teacher Education to Promote European Citizenship“. Socrates/Comenius2. 119121-CP-1-2004-1-FR-COMENIUS-C21. Duration: 2004-2006. Coordinator: Institut pour la formation des maîtres Bretagne, Rennes, FR
- Development of distance education of mother-tongues supported by E-learning. SOCRATES/LINGUA. No. E-LANG-CZ. Duration: 2004. Coordinator: Pedagogická fakulta Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci, CZ
- Europaischer Studienzirkel fur Frieden und Globales Lernen. Socrates Grundtvig 2. No. GRU2/2004/09-p-BB-1. Duration: 2004-2006. Coordinator: Széchenyi István Egyetem, HU
- Communication in International Project. Leonardo da Vinci. No. SK/04/B/F/LA-177408. Duration: 2005-2007. Coordinator: Centrum vzdelávania neziskových organizácií, SK
- COM-I-N-EUROPE - Communication in the new intercultural Europe. Leonardo da Vinci. No. PT03/LA/04/24/02. Duration: 2003-2005. Coordinator: Akademia Ekonomiczna v meste Wroclaw, PL
We seek partners interested in the topics such as:
Culture: European cultural studies, Europeanisation and cultural heritage, cultural Heritage of the Slavs, culturology studies, diplomacy, post-socialist city: sustainability, diversity, public space, urban governance, urban movements and activism, urban heritage, smart city
History: comparative Ecclesiastical history, cultural history, collective identity and memory, historical geography, environmental history, religious and ethnic minorities, nationalism and national movements, economic development and migration, socialism and communism in Czechoslovakia, Slovak communities living abroad, historiography and methodology, cultural heritage
Language: communication, intercultural communication, philology, translatology, sociocognitive linguistics, cultural linguistics, comparative and contrastive linguistics, linguistic/cultural intercomprehension, multilingualism in Europe, European identities, languages in the context of creative economy: mutilingualism, plurilingualism, creative industries, terminology, gender studies in English and/or Slovak linguistics
Literature: theory of literature, patterns of literary development, didactics of literature, literature for children and youth, prehistory of Slavic literature, Russian symbolism and world culture
Philosophy: Spacetime and ontology, Wittgenstein’s Tractatus, causation and justification, verisimilitude, democracy and freedom in Ancient philosophy, narrative philosophy of history, methodology of teaching philosophy in high schools
Sports: primary school, secondary school, physical education, physical performance, physical development, sport educology, recreology, geocatching