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Course announcements




1. 14 Feb 2024

Five-week plan of LECTURES & SEMINARS for the students of

BRITISH AND AMERICAN STUDIES (one-semester course for 3rd year students only):




SEMINAR: Slovak stereotypical images of Britishness

LECTURE: The Country People & their identities




SEMINAR: Britishness in the light of recent constitutional changes in the UK

LECTURE: System of government




LECTURE: British politics

SEMINAR: British & Slovak electoral systems compared




LECTURE: The Media

SEMINAR: Features of the British National Daily Press




LECTURE: Northern Ireland

SEMINAR: Public debate on immigration to the UK



N.B.: Given the fact that British Studies is part of a six-credit course taught in combination with

American Studies, the following topics ARE NOT be part of the course syllabus

(i.e. you don't have to revise for these in preparation for your final written test):

Geography & regional differences, Education, Law & Order, The Welfare State,

Scotland & Wales.

2. 19 Mar 2024

The Mid-semester written test (for students of British Studies course) on topics 1 through 6 (i.e. including topic 6 Education) will be given next week in seminars, group by group. Attendance is compulsory, the only exception granted to those on sick-leave or in need of a medical examination. If you happen to fall in the latter group (i.e. you have a medical appointment already scheduled), come to take your test at any other British Studies seminar on Monday (periods 2, 3, 4 or 5 on the 25 of March) or Wednesday (period 11, March the 27th). As far as the March 27th lecture is concerned, it WILL take place as scheduled. 

3. 8 May 2024

1. There’re now 3 test dates in the AIS. Choose any of them to register either for a TEST II (covering topics 8 to 13) or a RESIT (covering all the topics in the syllabus).

2. I repeat -- you can use any of the AIS test dates for a resit. You don't have to wait until the end of the examination period. After June the 4th, I will add one more (4th) test date in the AIS as the VERY LAST (emergency) test date. REMEMBER, there will be no more test dates (first attempts or resits) available after that.

3. Please note that I have made some changes to the list of exam questions reflecting what we did and what we didn’t in our seminars – Topic 8 does not include question 21 (i.e. you don’t revise for it), Topics 10, 11, 12 contain only one exam question each. Topic 13 does include 3 questions (27, 28, 29), not two as I was telling you today (sorry).

4. Finally, the 3rd year students (those who only had a 10-week instruction period) – you don’t revise for the topics marked with an asterisk (*)

All the very best with your exams!


 10 Jun 2024

The very last test date in British Studies will be held on Wednesday, 19 June 2024 at 14:00 in Aula Beliana.