Bibliografia k projektu / Project bibliography
Bibliografia k projektu / Project bibliography:
Backhaus, Peter 2006. Multilingualism in Tokyo: A look into the linguistic landscape. International Journal of Multilingualism 3,1: 52–66.
Backhaus, Peter 2007. Linguistic Landscapes: A Comparative Study of Urban Multilingualism in Tokyo. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
Bagna, Carla and Sabrina Machetti 2012. LL and Italian Menus and Brand names: A survey around the world. Christine Hélot, Monica Barni, Rudi Janssens, Carla Bagna (eds.), Linguistic Landscapes, Multilingualism and Social Change, 217-230. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
Bateman, John A. 2008. Multimodality and Genre. A Foundation for the Systematic Analysis of Multimodal Documents. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Blackwood Robert 2013. The top-down revitalization of Corsican: Considering the reversal of a language shift in the linguistic and semiotic landscape of Ajaccio. French Studies LXVIII, No. 1: 61-77.
Blackwood, Robert 2011. The linguistic landscape of Brittany and Corsica: A comparative study of the presence of France’s regional languages in the pubic space. Journal of French Language Studies 21: 111-130.
Blackwood, Roberta and Stefania Tufi 2012. Policies vs. Non-Policies: Analysing Regional Languages and the National Standard in the Linguistic Landscape of French and Italian Mediterranean Towns. Durk Gorter, Heiko F. Marten, Luk van Mensel (eds.), Minority Languages in the Linguistic Landscape, 109-126. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Bruyèl-Olmedo and Maria Juan-Garau 2015. Minority languages in the linguistic landscape of tourism: the case of Catalan in Mallorca. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 36,6: 598-619.
Cenoz, J., D. Gorter 2006. Linguistic landscape and minority languages. In: D. Gorter (ed.), Linguistic landscape: A new approach to multilingualism, 67-80. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
Cindark, Ibrahim and Evelyn Ziegler 2016. Mehrsprachigkeit im Ruhrgebiet: Zur Sichtbarkeit sprachlicher Diversität in Dortmund. In: Stefaniya Ptashnyk et al. (Hrsg.), Gegenwärtige Sprachkontakte im Kontext der Migration, 133-156. Heidelberg: Winter
Coupland, Nikolas and Peter Garrett 2010. Linguistic Landscapes, discursive frames and metacultural performance: the case of Welsh Patagonia. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 205: 7-36.
Edelman Loulou 2014. The presence of minority languages in linguistic landscapes in Amsterdam and Friesland (the Netherlands). International Journal of the Sociology of Language 228: 7-28.
Edelman, Loulou 2009. What’s in a Name? Classification of Proper Names by Language. Elana Shohamy, Durk Gorter (eds.), Linguistic Landscapes: Expanding the scenery, 141-154. London: Routledge.
Ferenčík, Milan 2012. English in in the ‚Globalized’ World: English Language Profile of a Local Linguistic Landscape from a pluriparadigmatic Perspective. In: M. Bilá & S. Zàkutná (eds.), Language, literature and culture in a changing transatlantic world II : part I : linguistics, translation and cultural studies, 36-37. Prešov : Filozofická fakulta Prešovskej univerzity v Prešove.
Ferenčík, Milan 2015. Construction of Private Space in An Urban Semioscape: A Case Study in the Sociolinguistics of Globalisation. Human Affairs 25: 365-379.
Gorter, D. 2013. Linguistic Landscapes in a Multilingual World. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 33: 190-212.
Gorter, D., J. Aiestaran, and J. Cenoz 2012. The revitalization of Basque and the linguistic landscape of Donostia-San Sebastian. In: D. Gorter, H.F. Marten, L. Van Mensel (eds.), Minority languages in the linguistic landscape, 148-163. Basingstroke: Palgrave-MacMillan.
Gorter, D. and J. Cenoz, J. 2015. Translanguaging and linguistic landscapes. Linguistic Landscape 1,1: 54-74.
Heller Monica 2003. Globalization, the new economy, and the commodification of language and identity. Journal of the Sociology of Language 7,4: 473-492.
Jaworski, Adam 2014. Mobile Language in Mobile Places. International Journal of Bilingualism 18, 5: 524–533.
Jaworski A. and Thurlow C. (eds.) 2010. Semiotic Landscapes, language, image and space. London: Continuum.
Kallen, Jeffrey 2003. Tourism and representation in the Irish Linguistic Landscape. In: Elana Shohamy and Durk Gorter (eds.), Linguistic landscapes: expanding the scenery, 270–283. New York: Routledge
Karlander, David 2016. Fleeting graffiti: Backjumps, mobilities and metro semiotics. Tilburg Papers in Culture Studies 161. Tilburg University.
Kelly-Holmes, Helen 2005. Advertising as multilingual communication. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Klerk, Gerda de and Wiley, Terrence G. 2010. Linguistic Landscape as Multi-layered Representation: Suburban Asian Communities in the Valley of the Sun. Elana Shohamy, Eliezer Ben-Rafael, Monica Barni (eds.), Linguistic Landscape in the City, 307-325. Bristol [u.a.]: Multilingual Matters.
Klug, Nina-Maria and Hartmut Stöckl (2015). Sprache im multimodalen Kontext. In: Ekkehard Felder, Andreas Gardt (Hrsg.), Handbuch Sprache und Wissen, 242-264. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter.
Laihonen, P. 2014. Hungarian private linguistic landscape in South-West Slovakia. In: J. Laakso (Ed.), Dangers and developments: On language diversity in a changing world: Studies in European language diversity 34: 85–105. Mainz: ELDIA.
Laihonen, P. 2015a. Linguistic landscapes of a minoritized regional majority: Language ideologies among Hungarians in South-West Slovakia. In: M. Laitinen & A. Zabrodskaja (eds.), Dimensions of sociolinguistic landscapes in Europe: Materials and methodological solutions, 171–198. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
Laihonen, Petteri 2015b. Indexing the Local, State and Global in the Contemporary Linguistic Landscape of a Hungarian town in Slovakia. In: J. Wachtarczyková, L. Satinská, & S. Ondrejovič (eds.), Jazyk v politických, ideologických a interkultúrnych vzťahoch : Zborník príspevkov z medzinárodnej konferencie Jazyk v politických, ideologických a interkultúrnych vzt'ahoch konanej 21.-22.5.2014 v Bratislave, 280-301. Sociolinguistica Slovaca 8. Bratislava: Veda.
Landry, R. and Bourhis, R.Y. (1997) Linguistic landscape and ethnolinguistic vitality: An empirical study. Journal of Language and Social Psychology 16, 1: 23-49.
Leeman, Jennifer and Gabriella Modan 2010. Selling the City: Language, Ethnicity and Commodified Space. Elana Shohamy, Eliezer Ben-Rafael, Monica Barni (eds.), Linguistic Landscape in the City, 182-197. Bristol [u.a.]: Multilingual Matters.
Leeman, Jennifer; Moda Gabriella 2009. Commodified language in Chinatown: a contextualized approach to Linguistic Landscapes. Journal of Sociolinguistics 13, 3: 332-362.
Lotman, Jury M. 1990. Über die Semiosphäre. Zeitschrift für Semiotik 12,4: 287–305.
Lou, Jia Jackie 2010. Chinese on the Side: The Marginalization of Chinese in the Linguistic and Social Landscapes of Chinatown in Washington, DC. In: Elana Shohamy, Eliezer Ben- Rafael, Monica Barni (eds.), Linguistic Landscape in the City, 96-114. Bristol [u.a.]: Multilingual Matters.
Malamba, Théodore Mudiji 2008. African Heritage in the Global Encounter of Cultures. In: Ch. Udeani, V. Nimanong, Z. Shipeng, M. Malik (eds.), The Hermeneutics of Culutres and Religions in a Global Age, 213-237. Washington, DC: Councel for Research in Values and Philosophy.
Mettewie, Laurence, Patricia Lamarre, Luk Van Mensel 2012. Clins d’oeil bilingues dans le paysage linguistique de Montréal et Bruxelles: Analyse et illustration de mécanismes parallèles. In: Christine Hélot, Monica Barni, Rudi Janssens, Carla Bagna (eds.), Linguistic Landscapes, Multilingualism and Social Change, 201-216. Bern: Peter Lang.
Moriarty Máiréad 2012. Language Ideological Debates in the Linguistic Landscape of an Irish Tourist Town. Durk Gorter, Heiko F. Marten, Luk van Mensel (eds.), Minority Languages in the Linguistic Landscape, 74-88. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Moriarty
Moriarty, Máiréad 2014a, Languages in motion: Multilingualism and mobility in the linguistic Landscape. International Journal of Bilingualism 18,5: 457-463.
Moriarty Máiréad 2014b. Contesting language ideologies in the linguistic landcape of an Irish tourist town. International Journal of Bilingualism 18, 5:: 464-477.
Mühlan-Meyer, Tirza and Frank Lützenkirchen 2017. Visuelle Mehrsprachigkeit in der Metropole Ruhr – eine Projektpräsentation: Aufbau und Funktionen der Bilddatenbank „Metropolenzeichen“. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Linguistik 66,1: 79-98.
Mühlan-Meyer, Tirza, Evelyn Ziegler, Hacu Halil Uslucan 2016. Vorkommen und Bewertung visueller Mehrsprachigkeit in der Metropole Ruhr. Unikate 42-54.
Papen, Uta 2012. Commercial discourses, gentrification and citizens’ protest: The linguistic landscape of Prentzlauer Berg, Berlin. Journal of Sociolinguistics 16, 1: 56- 80.
Pavlenko, Aneta 2010. Linguistic Landscape of Kyiv, Ukraine: A Diachronic Study. In: E. Shohamy, and M. Ben-Rafael (eds.), Linguistic Landscape in the City, pp. 133-150. Bristol u.a.: Multilingual Matters.
Pennycook, Alastair 2009. Linguistic Landscapes and the Transgressive Semiotics of Graffiti. In: Elana Shohamy and Durk Gorter (eds.), Linguistic Landscape: Expanding the Scenery, 302–312. Abingdon: Routledge.
Pennycook, Alastair 2010. Spatial Narrations: Graffscapes and City Souls. In: Adam Jaworski and Crispin Thurlow (eds.), Semiotic Landscapes: Language, Image, Space, 137–150. London: Continuum.
Piller, Ingrid 2003. Advertising as a site of Language Contact. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 23: 170-183.
Piller, Ingrid 2006. Identity constructions in multilingual advertising. Language in Society 30: 153-186.
Posner, Roland 2003. Kultursemiotik. In: Ansgar Nünning und Vera Nünning (Hrsg.), Konzepte der Kulturwissenschaften. Theoretische Grundlagen - Ansätze Perspektiven, 39-72. Stuttgart/Weimar: Metzler.
Posner, Roland 2004. Basic Tasks of Cultural Semiotics. In: Gloria Withalm and Josef Wallmannsberger (eds.), Signs of Power – Power of Signs. Essays in Honor of Jeff Bernard, 56-89. Vienna: INST.
Puzey, Guy 2012. Two-Way Traffic: How Linguistic Landscapes Reflect and Influence the Politics of Language. In: Durk GorterHeiko F. MartenLuk Van Mensel (eds.), Minority Languages in the Linguistic Landscape pp 127-147. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Rasinger, S. M. 2014. Linguistic landscapes in Southern Carinthia (Austria). Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 35,6: 580–602.
Reershemius Gertrud 2011. Reconstructing the past? Low German and the creating of regional identity in public language display. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 32, 1: 33-54.
Reh, Mechtild 2004. Multilingual writing: a reader-oriented typology - with examples from Lira Municipality (Uganda). International Journal of the Sociology of Language 170,1: 1-41.
Satinská, Lucia 2014. Jazyková krajina Bratislavy: Dunajská ulica. In: P V. Patráš (ed.), Polarity, paralely a prieniky jazykovej komunikácie : zborník príspevkov z 8. medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie o komunikácii konanej 6. – 7. 9. 2012 v Banskej Bystrici, 157-167. Banská Bystrica: Belianum.
Schulze, Ilona (forthcoming 2018). Bilder, Schilder, Sprache - Empirische Studien zur Text-Bild-Semiotik im öffentlichen Raum. Hamburg: Kovac.
Schulze, Ilona (ms., submitted a). Perspektiven der Linguistic Landscape-Forschung. Slowakische Zeitschrift für Germanistik.
Schulze, Ilona (ms., submitted b). Interpretation fremdsprachlicher und internationaler Bezüge in der diachronen Linguistic Landscape Münchens. Tilburg Papers in Culture Studies.
Scollon Ronald and Wong Scollon, Suzanne 2003. Discourses in Place. Language in the Material World. London: Routledge.
Sergeant, Philip 2012. Between Script and Language: The ambiguous ascription of ‚English’ in the Linguistic Landscape. Christine Hélot, Monica Barni, Rudi Janssens, Carla Bagna (eds.), Linguistic Landscapes, Multilingualism and Social Change, 187-200. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
Serwe, Stefan Karl, Ong Kenneth Keng Wee, and Ghesquière Jena François 2013. “Bon Appétit, Lion City”. The use of French in naming restaurants in Singapore. Cornelia Gerhardt, Maximiliane Frobenius, Susanne Ley (eds.), Culinary Linguistics. The chef’s special, 281-304. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Sharifian, Farzad 2011. Cultural Conceptualisations and Language. Theoretical framework and applications. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Sheivandi, Laleh, Ali Taghinezhad, Asma Alishavandi, Somaye Ranjbar 2015. Exploring Linguistic Aspects in Iranians’ Graffiti. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Language Research 2,5: 62-73.
Sheller, Mimi and John Urry 2006. The new mobilities paradigm. Environment and Planning A 38: 207-226.
Sherman, Tamah 2007. Language Management on the Front Lines: A Report from Dunajská Streda Language Management Workshop - Sunajská Streda and Pláštovce. In: H. Muraoka (ed.), Interdisciplinary Studies of Language Management in Contact Situations, 67-77. Chiba: Chiba University, Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities.
Shohamy, E. 2012. Linguistic Landscapes and Multilingualism, In: M. Martin-Jones, A. Blackledge, A. Creese (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Multilingualism, 538-551. London: Routledge.
Sloboda, M. 2009. State ideology and linguistic landscape: A comparative analysis of (post) communist Belarus, Czech Republic and Slovakia. In: E. Shohamy, & E. Ben-Rafael (eds.), Linguistic landscape: Expanding the scenery, 173–188, New York: Routledge.
Spolsky, Bernard 2009a. Prolegomena to a sociolinguistic theory of public signage. Elana Shohamy, Durk Gorter (eds.), Linguistic Landscapes: Expanding the scenery, 25-39. London: Routledge.
Stoltmann, Kai 2016. Ausprägung und Wahrnehmung der Linguistic Landscapes von Kiel und Rostock. PhD Disseration Phil Fak. Universität Kiel.
Stroud, C. and S. Mpendukana 2010. Multilingual signage: A multimodal approach to discourses of consumption in a South African township. Social Semiotics 20: 469-493.
Troyer, Robert A. and Tamás Péter Szabó 2017. Representation and videography in linguistic landscape studies. Linguistic Landscape 3,1: 56 – 77
Tufi, Stefania 2013. Shared places, unshared identities: vernacular discourses and spatialised constructions of identity in the linguistic landscape of Trieste. Modern Italy 18, 4): 391-408.
Valašiková, Ivana 2015. English in a Local Linguistic Landscape. Martin Ološtiak (ed.), 10. Študentská vedecká a umelecká konferencia, 346-355. Prešovská univerzita v Prešove.
Van Mensel, Luk, Mieke Vandenbroucke, Robert Blackwood 2017. Linguistic Landscapes. In: Ofelia García, Nelson Flores, and Massimiliano Spotti (eds), Oxford Handbook of Language and Society, 423-449. Oxford: OUP.
Waksman, Shoshi and Elana Shohamy 2010. Decorating the City of Tel Aviv-Jaffa for its Centennial: Complementary Narratives via Linguistic Landscape. Elana Shohamy, Eliezer Ben-Rafael, Monica Barni (eds.), Linguistic Landscape in the City, 57-73. Bristol [u.a.]: Multilingual Matters.
Zabrodskaja Anastassia 2014. Tallinn: monolingual from above and multilingual from below. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 228: 105-130.
Ziegler, Evelyn, Heinz Eickmans, and Ulrich Schmitz (to appear): Innere Mehrsprachigkeit in der Linguistic Landscape der Metropole Ruhr. In: Peter Gilles et al. (Hrsg.), Räume - Grenzen - Übergänge: 5. Kongress der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Dialektologie des Deutschen. ZDL Beihefte.