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Course requirements


Currently American history is part of the joint, one-semester course entitled History of Briain and the United States. Its chief objective is to give students a general overview of the most important periods, people and ideas in American history in terms of its political, economic and cultural development. In seminars students will have a chance to explore and discuss seminars some of the documents, issues and ideas that have shaped the modern American nation.


As of the academic year 2023-24 students are required to do their weekly reading assignments from AN OUTLINE OF AMERICAN HISTORY, published by the United States Bureau of International Information Programs. The book is published on paper as well as in digital format (avaible in pdf). As an additional resource we'll be using A BIOGRAPHY OF AMERICA, a video series and a web site designed by US university professors for U.S. college students (produced by WGBH Boston, funded by Annenberg Media, U.S.)


For each lecture, there is lecture worksheet with relevant vocabulary, dates and test questions. To access all topic-by-topic lecture worksheets click here. Themes covered in lectures will be followed up by seminar activities. It is essential that students prepare for each seminar by doing the following homework assignment: 1. Regular weekly reading assignments (a corresponding chapter from the coursebook). 2. Specific topic preparation (this may including reading an additional article, translating a vocabulary list from the seminar worksheet, listening to a recording or other assigned task). To access a list of topic-by-topic seminar preparation assignments with all the available downloadable materials click here.


The overall assessment of the History of the United States consists of the following assessed tasks: 1. TEST I, 2. TEST II. There may be a third assessed task - WRITTEN HISTORICAL ESSAY. Please check in the Announcements section whether you have to do this task or not. In addition to above mentioned tasks, students can be awarded points for active participation in class discussions (3 points per seminar). In addition, there may be a non-compulsory assessed task (Check Announcements if there is one in your academic year). Test I is a mid-term test written in week 7 or 8 and Test II after the end of classes (during exam time). The tests are based on the lectures, weekly reading assignments and topics discussed in seminars. Attendance at seminars is compulsory. Students are allowed to miss a maximum of 2 seminars. For the guidelines how to go about writing a historical essay (or comparative analysis) go to Written assignment. For more information on the breakdown of points for all the assessed tasks and an overview of the points you have collected go to Assessment.


All the information you need about the course as well as distribution of additional course materials will be handled via the internet on this website. Check the Announcements section weekly for test dates, essay submission deadlines, etc.

Mgr. Roman Ličko, PhD
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel.: +421 48 4465022
Department of English and American Studies
Faculty of Humanities
Matej Bel University
97401 Banská Bystrica