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Course requirements




SUMMER (13 WEEKS, 10 for the 3rd years)









BRITISH STUDIES is a one-term survey course designed for the students of the English language and Culture/Literature, both in the teacher training and translator and interpreter study programmes taught in the Department of Enlish and Amerian Studies at Matej Bel University. Its main rationale is based on the notion that a nation's culture is reflected in its language. Thus, for a foreign learner of English some familiarity the country's history, political system, institutions and culture is required. The primary objective of the course is language acquisition and its practice, the target often being culture-specific vocabulary to do with Britain. Alongside with that, the other languge skills are developed in seminars -- mainly reading and speaking, in keeping with the idea of content-based learning. Secondly, exploration of an English-speaking culture encourages students to get to know one's own culture in greater depth. Activities done in seminars often involve comparative approach which invites students to think about the similarities and differences between two democratic nations sharing the same European heritage. 


For their weekly reading assignments as well as for exam revision students are recommended to buy James O'Driscoll: Britain (Oxford University Press, 2nd Edition, 2009)


With the focus on continual assessment students collect points for their overall assessment throughout the semester. For a student to be assessed, they will have to do the following work:

1. Take active part in class discussions in seminars. Active participation is awarded by a maximum of three points per one seminar.

2. Take written tests. Two tests are given, one halfway through the teaching period, the other at the end (or at the beginning of the examination period.) The tests reflect the content covered in the lectures, seminars activites (based on additional handouts) and weekly reading assignments.

The final course grade will be the points-total of a written seminar assignment + test(s) results. To access the assessment table with a breakdown of points collected for individual tasks go to Assessment section.


It is advisable to attend lectures, although they are not compulsory. Seminars are mandatory, though, and unjustified absences over the limit of 3 will be penalised.


All information regarding course assessment, distribution of weekly reading assignments, announcements of test dates, essay submission deadlines, etc. will be distributed via the internet on this website. You will find all important course announcements (i. e. test dates, etc.) in Announcements section.

Roman Ličko [email protected]
Department of English and American Studies
Faculty of Humanities
Matej Bel University
97401 Banská Bystrica