Study Programmes
The Department of History of FH MBU was established in 1954. It is the third-oldest Slovak department of its kind. During the half-century of its existence, it has built itself a reputation as one of Slovakia’s leading centres of historical research and education. The department currently counts 15 members: two university professors, three emeritus professors, three associate professors and seven assistant lecturers. Our teaching staff also includes external lecturers, especially from the fields of ethnology, the arts, preservation of monuments and archaeology.
With its high level of qualification and professionalism, the department can train graduates in teaching as well as non-teaching branches of study. In the teaching branch of study, we offer day programmes at both the bachelor's (Bc.) and master's (Mgr.) levels. In the non-teaching branch of study at the bachelor's (Bc.) and master's (Mgr.) levels, we offer programmes in History (day and external) and Museology (external only).
The department to also offers an accredited doctoral (PhD) programme in Slovak History.
The department has signed a number of bilateral agreements under the ERASMUS programme and offers students the opportunity to study abroad at European universities every year. Through ERASMUS as well as the foreign experts who come to Banská Bystrica as guest lecturers, our students are acquainted with current issues in the research of history.
The department has its own specialised library – Seminarium Albertynianum – equipped with modern information technology, as well as specialised literature and magazines.
The department is also home to the Student Historical Society, which is a part of the International Students of History Association (ISHA).
Teacher Training in Academic Subjects – History (in combination with another subject) (BA)
- Characteristics of the Study Programme and Curriculum (Slovak version)
- Information on Individual Study Courses (Slovak version)
Teacher Training in Academic Subjects – History (in combination with another subject) (MA)
- Charakteristics of the Study Programme and Curriculum (Slovak version)
- Information on Individual Study Courses (Slovak version)
History (non-teaching branch of study) (BA)
- Charakteristics of the Study Programme and Curriculum (Slovak version)
- Information on Individual Study Courses (Slovak version)
History (non-teaching branch of study) (MA)
- Charakteristics of the Study Programme and Curriculum (Slovak version)
- Information on Individual Study Courses (Slovak version)
Slovak History – Study field 2. 1. 9 Slovak History (PhD.)
- Charakteristics of the Study Programme (Slovak version)
- Curriculum (Slovak version)
- Information on Courses (Slovak version)