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In this course students are assessed continually, both orally and in the written form or electronically. Please, read carefully through the rules below so that you are thoroughly familiar with particular features of the course assessment. At the bottom of the page there are Excel files containing a detailed overall assessment of your coursework, including a breakdown of individual task scores as well as your final course grade. Please note that the names in the assessment table have been concealed to protect your personal data. You will be given a PIN (= place in the Excel file) to find a line with your course assessment.

The overall course assessment consists of FOUR ASSESSED TASKS. In other words, in order to be considered for a final grade a student has to complete four separate tasks. Each of the assessed tasks is worth 15 points (25%). All in all (four tasks put together) a student can collect a maximum of 60 points (100%). Here's the final grading scale: A = 60-56, B = 55-52, C = 51-48, D = 47-44, E = 43-39, Fx = 38-0

The ORAL EXAM: A student may be examined either during the instruction period in seminars (in-class oral exam). One oral exam takes between 10 to 12 minutes. The teacher asks questions, the student gives answers, transcribes utterances, draws diagrams, etc. The oral examination task is assessed on the spot in grades A, B, C, D, E and Fx. For the purpose of overall course assessment the grades are then converted into points: A = 15 points, B = 13, C = 12, D = 11, E = 10, Fx = 0.

The WRITTEN TEST: This may take the form of a short mid-semester test (written during the instruction period) or a final test written during the examination period.

Students combine their oral exams with their written tests in order to complete FOUR tasks. Some will have completed four tasks by the end of the instruction period, others will have to do some more during the examination period. For example, those who have been examined orally in class (and took the mid-semester test) need just one more task to do in order to be considered for the overall course assesment.

In seminars students can collect additional BONUS POINTS. These are awarded by the teacher for active participation in class (usually, a maximum of 2 points per one seminar).

PENALTY POINTS may be incurred for some minor offences -- e.g. forgetting a coursebook (a maximum of two-point penalty may be deducted from the overall assessment per one seminar). Since seminars are compulsory and only two absences are tolerated, each seminar absence above this limit will be penalised by a two point deduction from the overall assessment score.

If students fail to pass the course in their FIRST ATTEMPT (riadny termín), they are allowed, under university regulations, a SECOND ATTEMPT (opravný termín). The second attempt also consits of four assessed tasks. One of them is automatically transferred from the first assessment (the one in which the student did best, i. e. with the highest score). The remaining three tasks have to be retaken either in written (written tests given by the teacher in person) or electronically, online, in Moodle.

A summary of the instructions for the online tests as well as available exam dates for the current academic year are in the ANNOUNCEMENTS section of the course website.