Mgr. Roman Hofreiter, PhD.
Vysokoškolský učiteľ, prodekan pre rozvoj
Konzultačné hodiny
Kde ma nájdete
Mgr. Roman Hofreiter, PhD.
Tajovského 40 Tajovského 40
974 01 Banská Bystrica
Kancelária: 323
Telefón: 048 446 7323
Email: [email protected]
Profesijná charakteristika
Venujem sa viacerým témam, najčastejšie však ekonomickej sociológii, sociológii športu a voľného času a sociológii mládeže. Viac nájdete na mojom profile na
Mgr. Roman Hofreiter, PhD. is a sociologist and the head of Department of social sciences and ethnology at Faculty of Arts, Matej Bel university. He finished a PhD. study in Sociology at Faculty of Arts of Comenius University. The main issue of his PhD thesis was the problem of emergence of social order of market; however, since the successful graduation, he has reoriented himself on the field of youth studies. Roman Hofreiter participated as a researcher in the project APVV-0309-11 Slovak society in cross-national comparative research: before and during the crisis. He is cooperating in the H2020 project PROMISE : PROMoting youth Involvement and Social Engagement: Opportunities and challenges for 'conflicted' young people across Europe. The main issue which he is dealing with in this project is the return migration of young people after a long stay abroad. He is analysing the tendencies of returning young migrants to become bearers of change and development in their home country.